The role of the School Organizational Team:
- Assist and advise development of the plan of operation (budget and school performance plan each spring).
- Provide continued assistance and advice to the principal in carrying out the plan of operation.
- Assist in the discussion of any additional authority to be transferred to schools to carry out responsibilities.
- Assist with the selection of the next principal when there is a vacancy.
Requirements for School Organizational Team members:
- Attend meetings at least once per month, which will be conducted outside of the school instructional time.
- Make decisions and vote with the whole school population in mind.
- Serve for one full term which will run through September 30, 2025 (unless your child no longer attends the school)
- Cultivate and use collaboration and consensus building abilities.
Please select up to three (3) nominees you wish to vote for from the form below. Persons voting may only cast one (1) ballot. The three parent nominees with the most votes will represent Bozarth ES on the 2024-2025 SOT Board.